Monday 13 February 2012

Importance of refreshment

I was driving into Mansfield Woodhouse last week, and had to stop at some traffic lights just before going under a railway bridge. The bridge in question is fairly high but not wide enough for two vehicles at once. It is an old bridge which must have been in use for many years. But what struck me was the number of scrape marks and scratches were vehicles had scored their way through the bridge.

Clearly over the years lots of people had decided to try and, unsuccessfully, drive their vans and lorries through this bridge, thinking that they could fit. There is, I believe, a natural human instinct to try and fit too much into life!

Whether it is the amount of jobs in a day, the amount of purchases on your budget or the number of tasks done at the same time, we often try to fit in too much. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being busy and at times we can all benefit from a little pressure. Many people thrive on the feeling of having a few balls in the air at the same time; the pressure of a looming dead-line is what makes many of us tick.

But none of that takes away from the fact that, at times we all naturally need to take a break and be refreshed. We all need down-time, all need holidays and times to switch off from the nine-to-five lifestyle.

We have a God who is interested in providing refreshment for our spirits and souls - He wants to bring you refreshment if you will only give him the opportunity.

Take a moment this week to get alone, away from the pressures of daily life, for a few minutes, and ask God to bring you his unique refreshment.

Have a great day.

God bless.


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