Saturday 11 February 2012

God doesn't have a 'naughty step'

I was sat in church reading earlier this week whilst the 'mums and toddlers' group where using our back room. As I read the volume of a child crying grew louder and louder, until the door opened and one mother brought here child for a 'time out'. She explained to her daughter that "enough was enough" and it was time to calm down or they would go straight home. After a minute or so the child in question calmed down and they went back to enjoy playing with the other children.

My wife is a nursery nurse and because of this I have watched, in my opinion, too many programs like 'super nanny'; teaching parents how to control their children. I believe that the general rule of thumb is to have your child sit on the 'naughty step' or take a 'time out' for a duration of one minute equal to their age. So a two year old should have a 'time out' for two minutes where as a ten year old should be sent to the 'naughty step' for ten minutes.

Whilst this post is not related to parenting tips, this encounter did start me thinking about my relationship with my Heavenly father, God. I wouldn't have to think for more than a few minutes, before I could build quite a list of things over which God could have rightly sent me to the 'naughty step' for a rather long time.

But here's some great and amazing news - God doesn't have a naughty step! God gives us a beautiful promise that if we turn to him truly and honestly sorry; he will always forgive us and will never bring punishment; no 'time outs' and no 'naughty steps'!

That thought has been on my mind and stayed with me all week and I hope it continues to, and that it may bless you as well.

Have a great day

God bless


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