Friday, 14 January 2011

What am I worth?

Continuing on from my thoughts a few days ago about giving I was in a meeting recently when someone asked the question "what are you worth"?

As I sit here right now at a rough calculation if I sold up everything: our house, car, computer, TV and all our stuff, paid off the mortgage then took the balance in cash I would not be worth that much. I found a website earlier that claims to value me as a person in monitory terms if I was to be put up for sale.  This somehow values me as a person at about $1.6 million. So the next time someone says "you look like a million dollars" I can tell them not to under value me!

But in reality when we think about what we actually have and what we can use or give to other people, the talents and skills that we have are worth so much more than our possessions. The time we spend with people, the love we share with them - open ears, open hearts, open arms and even open doors are worth so much more than any things that we could ever give.

We are designed in God's image so we are worth and loved eternally more than we could ever hope to comprehend and therefore we have so much that we can give.

In answering what am I worth, maybe it could be measured not by what I have but by how much I am willing to share with others.

Have a great day.

God bless


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