Monday, 10 January 2011

Even a cup of cold water?

So as I start to prepare for the coming weekend my mind turns to this verse in Matthew (Matt 10:42) which talks about how we give. It follows a series of  verses that explain some of God's kingdom values and talks about the reward that His followers can hope to receive in heaven. Then Jesus makes this whole thought process so very simple, saying if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of his followers; just a cup of water, just that - they will receive their own reward.

This would have been such a huge revelation to the people listening who lived under such strict rules about how they could earn their way into heaven. Jesus told them to forget about the laws, forget about earning their way to heaven, forget about buying their salvation. Simply give what they can and more than giving stuff to simply give their lives to Him and the rest wouldn't matter - the rules and money and duties.

Today God is saying again loud and clear that all He is asking for from us is to give ourselves to Him - to use as He sees fit. It doesn't matter how much we can give financially - God doesn't want your money, He wants you! He looks for the giver not the gift.

What He does want however is all of you - even down to your cup of cold water.

Have a great day.

God bless


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