This week on Thursday the day that we mark as Epiphany passed by quite quietly without much few or any kind of fan fare. I don't remember hearing it mentioned on the radio and it certainly didn't make the evening news or daily papers in any major way. I am sure that in a select number of churches it was marked, mainly by our Anglican friends, but on the whole Epiphany simply passed us by.
I think in a way this is quiet sad as Epiphany could be such a great time but other than to mark the day that your Christmas tree should come down it means very little to most. As I understand as well as marking the twelfth day of Christmas it is also celebrated as the day that the wise men, or Magi, visited the baby Jesus.
But it speaks of so much more, an epiphany is a realisation or a time when something is revealed, and when the magi visited the baby Jesus they revealed something very special. They bought along with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh the greatest of gifts - the revelation that this little baby was Christ the Son of God who had come to save the world.
They first had that amazing epiphany over 2000 years ago but the great news is that the gift God gave in his Son is still available to everyone of us today. Why not start 2011 with looking into an epiphany of your own - don't take my word for it but maybe do a little research. Open up a bible and read about this Jesus for yourself or pop along to your local church and check out what they have to say about this very special baby given as a bonus extra gift uniquely for you.
Have a great day.
May God truly bless you
If you want any further information about this special gift to you please get in touch.
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