Saturday, 4 June 2011

What is my polariod or even my QR?

This week I have discovered the world of 'QR images' (as pictured to the right) - these are small black and white pictures around 2-3 inches square which resemble a cross between a chess board and a bar code. They can be placed on a website, a poster, business card or any other advertising location. Tonight I spotted one on the till of my local co-op!
If you 'read' one of these QR images (which stands for quick response) with the bar code scanner of your smart phone you are presented with a selection of the advertisers information. This could be a website, contact details, a video or song or in the case of this QR, a map showing the location of our church in Selston. They are kind of like taking a Polaroid picture showing in an instance a representation of that company or individual.

I understand that QR images as part of another phenomenon known as augmented reality are very much going to be the next if not already the, big thing! They have been around in Japan for several years and are slowly making an impact on the USA and London plus on many up and coming advertising bods.

This all got me thinking, as it does - As I understand it, if you place one of these images on your business card, website or poster someone with the correct bar code scanning app (think mobile phone gadget for the not so tech savvy of us) can get a snap shot in an instant of your business or organisation. I've dropped a couple into our church website - take a look (shameless plug alert!). I was thinking - How would life be, therefore, if anyone could get a Polaroid snap shot of your or my life in an instant by giving us a quick scan?

I would like to think that I am a pretty rounded kind of guy who can get on with most people and that my Christian values, on the whole, live out pretty well in my day to day life. But in any instance, at any one moment of the day, if someone could get a completely honest snapshot (maybe when my guard was down and someone had cut me up at a set of traffic lights that then turned red before I had time to respond) I'm not so sure if it would be so perfect.

Of course God's grace is, as the old hymn says, "amazing!" And this amazing grace in sufficient to oversee all of my many imperfections when I come back to Him in repentance seeking forgiveness. That said this is not an excuse or a get out of jail free card.

If God, my neighbour, my wife, a church member, the chap at work or my friend down at the pub was to take an honest snapshot of my life today or tomorrow I would hope to, at the very least, be consistent in giving a decent representation of the kind of bloke that God would want me to be.

True - I definitely don't get it right every time, far from it! None of us do; but the important thing is that we attempt to live with a desire to be ready - to live every moment conscious that if that snapshot was taken right now or this time tomorrow or two weeks on Thursday, that we would be living as the person we would want to be represented as. And even more importantly we should never become too proud to admit that we so often get it wrong and return to our Father in Heaven in humble apology knowing that He is ready to not only forgive us but help us be better prepared for tomorrow.

Have a great day

God bless


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