Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Do not worry! That's easy for you to say!

Matthew 6 tell us not to worry about anything in regard to our natural requirements and Philippians 4 instructs the reader not to be anxious about anything. You can read these two passages here and here.

If you are anything like me you may have read these passages many times in life and at that moment thought to your self "OK I am not going to worry and instead trust in God". And this works very well sometimes for up to several minutes until life next big problem swings into focus and quite naturally worry and anxiousness arrives with it. How can we then hope to live our lives obedient to God's teaching not to worry when life throws so much at us which knocks us off our feet time and time again?

There is very little that we can do to prevent anxiety from entering our minds, thing happen which are completely out of our control that have an effect on us and those close to our hearts. What we do have a choice over how much control of our lives we allow these worries to have. When we allow these problem to grow in our minds and take over our thoughts then we very soon begin to feel the repercussions. Sleepless nights, upset stomachs, headaches and many over stress related complaints can have serious effect on our health over long periods of time.

Psalms 55:22 does give us the solution when it says "cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you". Note that this verse does not say He will remove your cares or make them smaller, but that he will sustain you. When you ask God to help in your times of most worry, anxiousness or when the world seems to deal an unfair hand God will sustain you and give you the strength to walk through the troubled days.

That act of casting our cares on the Lord is really not a complicated process simply chatting to God is enough, just ask God to help you and He will. Someone very dear once said that we can talk to God like the Martini advert - anytime, anyplace, anywhere - and those words have never been trues.

If simply talking doesn't seem enough; why not write God a letter telling Him everything that is on your mind, put it in an envelope addressed and sealed for God's attention. Then burn it, rip it up, post it to your church or give it away to a friend you can trust - what ever you do get rid of that letter and don't re-open it yourself. There is no point to handing your worries over to God only to pick them back up again on the way out.

This is not my normal cheerful encouraging post and for that I am not sorry - I just really feel that sometimes people need to know that God is there when we're in the valley as well as on the mountain top.

God bless


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