Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Good Intentions

If you have been checking this blog in the last few days you may have become a little frustrated as it has suddenly become rather static. After blogging almost every day for the first ten days or so I haven't quite got round to writing again, until today that is. This is and always has been a bit of one of my failings and the same is true I'm sure of many of us if we are honest. We start with good intentions; to diet, quit that habit, sort out the garden, save for that holiday, spend time with friends, write a blog etc. But all too soon other things tend to get in the way and suddenly we turn around and realise that our good intentions have once again failed and fallen by the way side.

Someone once said to me at church "the problem we have is that we are very good at starting things" and she was correct, starting a new idea or project is easy, the challenge comes in keeping it going. Just like those New Year's resolutions that you may have made in January which now seem like a distant memory we often struggle to complete our own goals.

I think one reason for this is probably that we set ourselves unrealistic goals in the first place and then the goals that we have set we expect to just happen for themselves. If we are to achieve anything in life we have to work at it; achieving our own goals, plans and dreams are no different, they sometimes need a little work.

Let's take a little time today to think about some of those things that we promised ourselves and other people but haven't quite followed through or lived up too. Now I'm not  a big fan of New Year's Resolutions but instead I am going to make a fresh commitment to myself and the people around me that I will try to follow through on my promises. Firstly be there when a friend is in need, to be available and not always too busy and make time equally for each part of my life not just the bit that pays the bills.

And to anyone reading - I will make a new resolution to try and post a little more regularly.

Have a great day.

God Bless.


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