Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Build me up buttercup

As the year continues to fly past with lightening speed we suddenly find ourselves already half way through September and at the start of a new school year and a new term in the life of the church.  When we set the plan for 2010 in place this January the transition point of Richard taking his sabbatical in September looked to be in the distant future.  Then it seems like we blinked one day and here we are six months later and suddenly people are looking to me for decisions and opinions.  A little scary to say the least but also very exciting and confirmed by God speaking to us all very clearly about moving forward together.

We have had many conversations about and focused recently on the foundations that have been laid down in Selston over many years  by good Christian men and women.  It is on that foundation that we are now looking to build as we move forward seeking God to guide us how best to lead his church.  Having spoken to various people over the last few months I am so happy that there is a real sense of people wanting to be a part of that building process.

In the Bible Jesus said that the realisation that he was the Messiah would be the rock upon which his church would be built and that rock remains the central core of our faith and church.  In the coming months and years that we journey together at Selston and work to effectively serve the communities around us we must never lose sight of that rock.  Whilst there will inevitably be some changes and the way that we 'do church' may evolve the truth of the gospel must always be our guide and the foundation that we build upon.

The pop group The Foundations released their hit build me up buttercup in 1968 reaching number 2 in the UK charts with the lyric "why do you build me up buttercup just to let me down?"  The great thing about building our lives and church on the foundation of God and his teachings is that he will never let us down.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever and will always be with us during the good times and also through times of pain and sorrow.

In the happy and the sad times one passage that always speaks to me and I know to so many other people is Psalms 23 which reminds us that God's love will follow us all the days of our lives.

You can read the 23rd Psalm here

Have a great week - God bless you all

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