Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What's the opposite of a Bucket list?

I have recently tidied up my office and for a rare change I can actually see the carpet and have desk space, instead of working amid piles of paper. This was a long overdue job, that took a bit of effort but has great rewards - like being able to actually find things.

In my now tidy office, I can see a DVD on my newly organised shelves, entitled "The bucket list"; some of you may know the story. I have never watched the film, but I understand it's about a couple of guys coming towards the end of their lives and planning to accomplish things they've never got around to doing.

Today I am thinking in very much the opposite kind of way; not about things that I haven't yet done, but recognising what I actually have achieved.

My wife has been off work and in bed, sick, for the last two days; so being the fantastic husbands I am (it's ok, she doesn't read these articles) I have been trying to be around and look after her. This has mainly meant that I have been home for the last couple of days. As a bi-product this has meant that I have crossed quite a large number of items off my list of 'to do' jobs for this week; many of which would probably have otherwise got pushed down the list.

In the middle of shopping, helping my wife, cooking, fetching her drinks, etc I have actually achieved a lot more than I realised. And this has got me thinking; if we looked back over the day, the week, or our lives, I imagine we have all achieved a lot more than we ever expected too and definitely more than we recognise very often.

So I would encourage you, dear reader, to take a moment today, and rather than making another list of things to do and dreams which may one day happen, recognise what you have already achieved.

I would wager with you all that your opposite bucket list, is actually a lot longer and greater than you think.

Have a great day

God bless


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