Thursday, 31 January 2013

Spring clean

Due to a slight technical hitch yesterday, I had to backup my emails, to avoid the risk of loosing any, should my slight hitch get any worse.

In doing this I was quite shocked to notice just how many junk emails had built up over time and what a high percentage of my daily emails I instantly delete without reading. I have therefore spent a few minutes this morning, un-subscribing from some of the many adverts and junk mail senders that have built up.

With Lent just around the corner, starting this year in mid March, this idea of cleaning things up is pretty apt. Becuase, whilst Lent is often seen as a time to give up chocolate biscuits for a few weeks, it is really a time to recognise what may be getting in the way.

In life we are constantly bombarded by so much that seeks to steal our time and divert our attention. Sitting here in my office I surrounded by distractions; the telephone, the internet, books, dvds, paperwork and my radio, all at times steal my attention. The same can be true of people, money, health issues, meetings and full diaries. Whilst all these things can be great, they can all take up time and bring distractions from what we should be really focusing on.

This Lent period, at Selston, we are going to be working through a spiritual spring clean together, when we are going to try and reduce the things in our lives that distract us from God. The first part of these teachings are on the church website here, and will complete in next months update.

I would encourage anyone reading to think about how you are trying to live and what is distracting you from being the person you want to be; then to focus on ways of reducing these distrations.

Have a great day

God bless


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What's the opposite of a Bucket list?

I have recently tidied up my office and for a rare change I can actually see the carpet and have desk space, instead of working amid piles of paper. This was a long overdue job, that took a bit of effort but has great rewards - like being able to actually find things.

In my now tidy office, I can see a DVD on my newly organised shelves, entitled "The bucket list"; some of you may know the story. I have never watched the film, but I understand it's about a couple of guys coming towards the end of their lives and planning to accomplish things they've never got around to doing.

Today I am thinking in very much the opposite kind of way; not about things that I haven't yet done, but recognising what I actually have achieved.

My wife has been off work and in bed, sick, for the last two days; so being the fantastic husbands I am (it's ok, she doesn't read these articles) I have been trying to be around and look after her. This has mainly meant that I have been home for the last couple of days. As a bi-product this has meant that I have crossed quite a large number of items off my list of 'to do' jobs for this week; many of which would probably have otherwise got pushed down the list.

In the middle of shopping, helping my wife, cooking, fetching her drinks, etc I have actually achieved a lot more than I realised. And this has got me thinking; if we looked back over the day, the week, or our lives, I imagine we have all achieved a lot more than we ever expected too and definitely more than we recognise very often.

So I would encourage you, dear reader, to take a moment today, and rather than making another list of things to do and dreams which may one day happen, recognise what you have already achieved.

I would wager with you all that your opposite bucket list, is actually a lot longer and greater than you think.

Have a great day

God bless
