Hi - Any of you more regular readers may have noted a somewhat reflective feel to my last few posts; at times these may have been a little deep. For this I apologise and promise I will try to remain shallow from now on. Before September concludes, however, I would like to complete my look back on my first year attempting to lead a local church.
There have been a few things that I have learnt (only a few) that I did not know just twelve months ago. For example I did not know the number of meetings, committees and discussions involved in making decisions, some of which at times seem like very small simple ones.
I also did not know how a piece of information that I thought fairly simple could become so complicated and so hard to effectively communicate to any number of people.
Or that no matter how you communicate some information; by handing out written information, putting it on a website, notice board, projector screen, texting and emailing it as well as actually telling them face to face - some people still claim to know nothing about said events!!!
So that's my moan out of the way!
The most important things I have learned are that people never cease to amaze me with their generosity, compassion, love and energy. That the same people throw themselves whole heartedly into action at the drop of a hat, time and time again, seemingly putting the rest of their life on hold to help.
Most of all I've learned afresh that God's idea of people meeting together to regularly support, encourage and equip each other that we call 'church' is a uniquely fantastic idea. When it’s done well 'church' in any format is fantastic. That may be a service on a Sunday morning, or over coffee at Starbucks (other coffee chains are available), or at the pub, on a farm, round a table, on a bus trip, in the Royal Albert Hall or amazingly even in a little place called Selston. All of these times when people gather together to help each other or someone in need or to focus their attention on God and try to centre him in their lives - suddenly 'church' happens.
And whilst one year on, everything doesn't happen (thankfully) exactly how I would choose, the whole world (thankfully) doesn't think exactly the same way as me and everyone (again most thankfully) doesn't live their lives the same way as mine., I would not have it any other way. Church works and is fantastic and as perfect as its ever going to be in this world, because we try to keep Jesus at the very heart of all that we do.
So moaning over and reflection over (for now). I'm simply happy today that God has given me the beautiful opportunity to be involved in any way in his plan, in his church, to help his world.
Really do have a great day
God bless
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