Tuesday 30 April 2013

Four pictures, one word

Hi - I've recently been introduced to a game on my mobile entitled as above; basically it shows four pictures that all share the same name. So maybe a piece of fruit, a Mac computer, the Beatles record label and the bulge in a mans throat would all require the answer "apple". The game is ok, but in my opinion, gets old fairly quick! But it did get me thinking about 4 in 1's.

Today over lunch a friend of mine talked about the different levels that exist in a marriage and how they are similar to our prayer life and in fact relationship with God. I am going to steel my friend's idea and expound on it a little here. All relationships, she stated, have the potential for a basic, deeper, intimate and further level of conversation, understanding and love.

Thinking about the marriage analogy - there is the basic level; which involves sharing the same home and chatting about the day to day.
The deeper level; this involves time spent sat around a table discussing hopes, dreams and challenges; when we make plans together.
The intimate level is when we are closest together physically and emotionally; literally sharing of ourselves.
Then the further level is the understanding and love that passes every other; the way that we can know another's thoughts with a look, and things are said without words; this goes beyond and lasts through all else.

This is where it gets a little deep, so hold on tight

The same levels of understanding and relationship are available between you and God.

You can know him on a basic level; acknowledging his existence and calling in for the occasional chat.
You can know him on a deeper level; where you truly know and share your hopes and dreams, entrusting them to him.
You can have an more intimate relationship with God; not in the physical, but in a sense of complete trust and acceptance, knowing each other and being in harmony.
Then there is available a deeper level; with too passes all understanding, and is available for eternity.

I wonder what level you are at today. And ask what level you want to feel.

If you're not living on the level you want to, please talk to someone (even me) and find out how to move forward and closer to God today.

Have a great day

God bless


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