Wednesday 22 September 2010

The cup is definitely half full!

In life there are two distinct types of  people; those that see the world with a view that their cup is half full or half empty. Some people always look on the negative, finding something to be miserable about at every possible chance and those that always seem to see the silver lining behind every one of life's clouds. Some look at the sky and only see the clouds full of rain where as others see the clouds and look for the rainbow.

My sister Elizabeth is one of life's optimists who always looks very much on the bright side of life; always seeing the good in every situation and for whom everything is always 'fine'. And this was bought home to me with a renewed sense of clarity on a recent holiday to Disneyland Paris. We stood waiting for the evening parade on a cold November evening when the more sensible activity would have been to withdraw to a warm hotel lounge. As the wind blew, the cold began to bite and we began to lose the feeling in our fingers and toes then it began to rain, and boy did it rain. This was the point that most people would have called it a night, accepted the conditions as they where and started planing for the next day. But Elizabeth chose that moment to produce possibly the most optimistic, glass more than half full, silver lining statement ever to be heard.

As we stood freezing in the rain and biting wind waiting for a parade that took an age to arrive she announced to anyone who would listen that "the lights on the floats would look amazing reflected in the puddles". That moment sums up my sister Elizabeth, her view on life and my renewed perspective on just how much our attitude can affect the way we travel through life.

Charles R Swindoll said that the longer he lived the more he realised the impact of attitude and stated that life is ten percent what happens and ninety percent how we react. From now I am going to try and take the advise of Swinney (as he would have been known if he came to my school) and try and live my life with a glass at least half full view. Why don't you try and find the reflection in each puddle, the rainbow in a stormy sky and the sliver cloud behind the cloud today.

Between us we may just be able to be 'fine' together.

Have a great day.

God bless.


I would also like to take this opportunity to say my other sister Rachel and brother Timo are both equally fantastic and special and are both 'fine' to me - love you all - C.

1 comment:

  1. I'm also going to try & start seeing my glass as half full, although i am a very greatful person & thank God every day for my lovely brother & family as i have realised as you get older everyone is not as blessed with this,
    Look forward to your daily blogs
    Rachel (the less optimistic sister)
