Monday, 13 February 2012

Importance of refreshment

I was driving into Mansfield Woodhouse last week, and had to stop at some traffic lights just before going under a railway bridge. The bridge in question is fairly high but not wide enough for two vehicles at once. It is an old bridge which must have been in use for many years. But what struck me was the number of scrape marks and scratches were vehicles had scored their way through the bridge.

Clearly over the years lots of people had decided to try and, unsuccessfully, drive their vans and lorries through this bridge, thinking that they could fit. There is, I believe, a natural human instinct to try and fit too much into life!

Whether it is the amount of jobs in a day, the amount of purchases on your budget or the number of tasks done at the same time, we often try to fit in too much. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being busy and at times we can all benefit from a little pressure. Many people thrive on the feeling of having a few balls in the air at the same time; the pressure of a looming dead-line is what makes many of us tick.

But none of that takes away from the fact that, at times we all naturally need to take a break and be refreshed. We all need down-time, all need holidays and times to switch off from the nine-to-five lifestyle.

We have a God who is interested in providing refreshment for our spirits and souls - He wants to bring you refreshment if you will only give him the opportunity.

Take a moment this week to get alone, away from the pressures of daily life, for a few minutes, and ask God to bring you his unique refreshment.

Have a great day.

God bless.


Saturday, 11 February 2012

God doesn't have a 'naughty step'

I was sat in church reading earlier this week whilst the 'mums and toddlers' group where using our back room. As I read the volume of a child crying grew louder and louder, until the door opened and one mother brought here child for a 'time out'. She explained to her daughter that "enough was enough" and it was time to calm down or they would go straight home. After a minute or so the child in question calmed down and they went back to enjoy playing with the other children.

My wife is a nursery nurse and because of this I have watched, in my opinion, too many programs like 'super nanny'; teaching parents how to control their children. I believe that the general rule of thumb is to have your child sit on the 'naughty step' or take a 'time out' for a duration of one minute equal to their age. So a two year old should have a 'time out' for two minutes where as a ten year old should be sent to the 'naughty step' for ten minutes.

Whilst this post is not related to parenting tips, this encounter did start me thinking about my relationship with my Heavenly father, God. I wouldn't have to think for more than a few minutes, before I could build quite a list of things over which God could have rightly sent me to the 'naughty step' for a rather long time.

But here's some great and amazing news - God doesn't have a naughty step! God gives us a beautiful promise that if we turn to him truly and honestly sorry; he will always forgive us and will never bring punishment; no 'time outs' and no 'naughty steps'!

That thought has been on my mind and stayed with me all week and I hope it continues to, and that it may bless you as well.

Have a great day

God bless


Friday, 3 February 2012

What is Heaven like?

In the last couple of months, I have been asked or told what Heaven is like, more than ever before. I have had conversations with several people who have just finished reading books written by people who have supposedly visited Heaven in dreams or due to near death experiences. And almost everyone else I have had any kind of philosophical conversation with (which happens more often than you may think) wants to know how I think it will look or have a strong opinion themselves.

More often than not, people have a preconception of what Heaven would look like; whether the Bible description is literal or symbolic. And often people wonder how time would be spent in Heaven; maybe sitting on a cloud playing a harp, or asking God a list of questions.

I have no definite picture in my mind apart from a confident belief that I stick to at all times and always share with anyone who will listen. Heaven will be perfect! And I also think that everyone's experience of Heaven may be slightly different and unique.

In one of Adrian Plass' books he expresses the prayer that when he gets to Heaven, he would like there to be a good library and coffee shop within walking distance of Lords Cricket Ground. And I like that idea. At a funeral recently I shared this theory and that for the deceased, their version of Heaven may have included an excellent bowling green, as this was their love.

God is interested in providing us perfection and that will surely include all the activities that we love, including crown green bowling, if that's what you enjoy.

The more important aspect of this conversation, than trying to work out the exact details of what Heaven will or will not look like, is making sure you are going to find out.

Have a great day

God bless


Thursday, 2 February 2012


I once new a very successful business man who was incredibly busy, worked far too many hours and was always rushing around but who always managed to fit everything into his day. He had a sign in his office that read something along these lines:

"We all have the same number of hours in a day, what matters is how we use them"

As I sit here in front of my computer, where I have sat pretty much the whole day, most of the week in fact, I wonder where the time goes. In a couple of weeks Debbie and I will mark two years since the church appointed me their associate minister. Thos two years have absolutely flown by, the first month of the year has disappeared and the sun is starting to set on today. I am increasing of the opinion that time is passing by far too quickly.

I had this brought home to me a few weeks ago, when I received a call from my bank. Before beginning the conversation they had to identify me so asked a few questions, such as my post code, first line of address and age at my next birthday. I answered that I would be 31 and continued with the call. At the end of the conversation the lady on the telephone said very politely "I am sorry to tell you, that on your next birthday you will actually be 32!" - See time is moving so fast that I have lost track of even how old I am!

The reason that I am maybe so conscious of time right now is that I am re-assessing how much time I do or do not spend with the important people around me and more so the time I spend focused on God.

The successful and very busy business man that I mentioned died last year. He had a lot of time to make money, enjoy fantastic holidays, raise a beautiful loving family, but had no time for God at all. To my knowledge he died without ever having time to get to know God and to guarantee his salvation.

Please don't make the same mistake - think about how you spend your time, I'm going to be thinking about how I spend mine. One of the greatest gifts God gives us is that he is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Why not have a chat with him right now, he’s always waiting.

Have a great day.

God bless
