Something very simple yet truly amazing happened at church a couple of weeks ago, its a very simple short story but one that I think holds a very clear message.
During our morning service message the kids are taken into the back room of the church for 'Junior church' where they learn the same lessons as the adults but in their own simpler ways.
Two Sunday's ago for the second week running one little boy, Jacob, tripped and cut his head on the corner of a book shelf. This was a normal child's accident that happens around homes and schools every day of the week. Whilst this kind of thing happens everyday with no damage at all on this occasion Jacob's head began to bleed.
There where two adults teaching the kids that morning, firstly his mum who held Jacob close and wondered what to do first and also Sarah who is a nurse. Sarah's training kicked in and she immediately ran to the first aid box whilst Jacob's mum started looking for some tissues.
Then the greatest, simplest, most natural thing in the world happened - both women turned back to Jacob, one clutching tissues and the other complaining that the first aid kit was out of date. They where greeted with the perfect view of about ten children, all of infant or primary school age, standing around Jacob praying for Jesus to heal his head. Wow! They hadn't been prompted or needed leading in prayers, this simply came naturally to them.
When life throws us a curve ball every now and again what do we do naturally? Panic, look for the solution, worry, get angry or seek help?
When Jesus said that we must become like children in order to get to Heaven I believe part of what he was saying was that we should act as naturally and trust as naturally as these ten kids did. Their natural response was to pray to the Jesus that we had all told them can answer their prayers.
Maybe we should do less tell and teaching the kids and instead let them teach us.
Have a great day.
God Bless